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Spark AI Summit Announcements - Delta Engine, Koalas, Hyperspace & More!
Delta Engine: High Performance Query Engine for Delta Lake | Keynote Spark + AI Summit 2020
Spark AI Summit Announcements - Git Projects, MLFlow & Genomics!
Redash on Databricks | Arik Fraimovich | Keynote Spark + AI Summit 2020
Data Collab Lab: SmartSQL Queries powered by Delta Engine on Lakehouse
Radical Speed for your SQL Queries with Delta Engine
PyTorch: A Modern Machine Learning Research and Production Platform | Keynote Spark + AI Summit 2020
Advancing Spark - Data Lakehouse Star Schemas with Dynamic Partition Pruning!
Hyperspace: An Indexing Subsystem for Apache Spark
Koalas: Easy Transition from Pandas to Spark - Ben Sadeghi
How Apache Spark 3 0 and Delta Lake Enhances Data Lake Reliability
Advancing Spark - Spark 3.0 Overview